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  • GreenWashing: Seven Sins of Eco Friendly Labeling  5/9/2011
    Take a walk through any store and you will see labels proclaiming to be free of something harmful, nature friendly, biodegradable or eco-degradable. Claims like these can be attention grabbing, sure, but are they truly beneficial? Is it Greenwashing? Are these companies committing one of the Seven Sins of…
  • BlogEngage Sponsor Review: Newbie Lifeline5/8/2011
    As a new member of BlogEngage I try to dedicate a certain amount of time each day reading and commenting on blogs. Choosing which Bloggers to read is a difficult task when there are so many excellent choices available. This morning, while browsing the offerings, I noticed Newbie Lifeline,…
  • Netflix: The Future of Food & Say No to GMO5/8/2011
    We are now watching Netflix on our Wii! I know welcome to the 21st century, a few years late, better late than never I say. Since adding this feature on of the first things I noticed with Netflix is the excellent representation of documentaries offered on the site, I think…
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